Salud Dental Para Todos


International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS II)

D.D.S. Marcelo Alberto Iruretagoyena

Special considerations

  • Non-vital teeth should be scored in the same manner as vital teeth.

  • Banded or bracketed teeth. All visible surfaces should be examined as well as possible and scored in the usual manner. When a surface is completely covered by a band or bracket and there is no evidence of caries the tooth status code is “0”.

  • In the case of supernumerary teeth, the examiner should decide which tooth is the legitimate occupant of the space. Only that tooth should be scored.

  • When both a primary and permanent tooth occupy the same space, only the permanent tooth is coded.

  • All surfaces restored with full coverage should be coded as crowned. If a tooth has been restored with anything less than full coverage, the surfaces involved in the restoration will be scored separately.

  • If a surface has been restored with a partial covering, the other surfaces must be registered separately. And the covered surface must be coded as an excluded surface 96

  • When more than one lesion is present on the same surface, the most severe must be recorded

  • All retained root surfaces must be coded as 06

Salud Dental Para Todos

The information present on this website must be used for the purpose of promoting and protecting public dental health. It must not be used for commercial purposes.

E-mail: D.D.S. Marcelo Alberto Iruretagoyena

Wilde.  Provincia de Buenos Aires. Argentina

Revised: September 2018